Monday, June 1, 2015

Cognitive Bias that you never noticed you have!

Last week I've read an article about Cognitive Biases in my class. Well this is the first time I've heard of the term cognitive bias. The author explained 12 different types of biases that people have. I think all biases are really interesting and some I can related to, but before reading this article I've never noticed that they existed in my head. You can click on to the link below to learn more about "Cognitive Bias".

Our teacher Troy had divided us into groups and let each of our group look particularly into three different biases. The ones that our group discussed were post-purchased rationalization, neglecting probabilities and observational selection bias. I found post-purchased rationalization too simple and  neglecting probabilities is a bit too complicated, also I feel like I can most related to observational selection bias, so I would like to talk more about it. 

The authors explained that observational selection bias occur when you experience something and suddenly you see that thing happen more frequently, but in fact it might or might not increased its frequency. The example that he gave was when someone bought a new car he or she will think that the brand of the car that they bought suddenly increased around the streets. because your brain selectively notice this brand and you think that people bought them too. but in reality the numbers of this kind of cars may never change.

I've got an experience on this kind of biases especially when my mom bought a new car. Another example that I want to say here is, in the past I'd never noticed any sports equipment shop around town but after I'd been assigned to buy the volleyball net for our school I suddenly noticed that the sports shop is everywhere. I and thought did they open so many new places.

In conclusion, cognitive biases are very complication but really interesting. I hope I could understand them all. because now that I've read about it but still don't know if it changes the way I see things or not. So I think that maybe after I master it I could rationalize all my biases. 

Well, what do you think about biases? Do you have any interesting article about biases that you could share? don't forget to comment below ^^

1 comment:

  1. I never noticed that a lot of Lao teenagers used Apple products. And when I brought a new apple product, I always saw Apple users every where. I think this bias is not bad at all, it couldn't impact our everyday decision. However, this bias is an interesting one and it's good to understand it. In addition, thanks for explanation; your post really attracted me.
